What We Can’t Know About Social Media, and Why / Dr. Nicholas John


Wed, 14/11/2018 - 15:00 to 16:30


I-CORE – The Center for Empirical Studies of Decision Making and the Law, the Faculty of Law, Mt. Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. Nicholas John.

In this talk I shall attempt to outline the limits of our knowledge about social media, with a focus on so-called negative behaviors, such as unfriending, un-Liking, and so on. I shall advance the argument that a culture of connectivity and sharing produces a bias in the types of knowledge that social media enable about themselves, and can lead to the production of nonsensical data on the part of social media platforms. Taking the usage of APIs for research, and the curious page facebook.com/peace as my case studies, I shall discuss what we can’t know about social media, and why.