The First Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime – Day I


Sun, 14/10/2018 (All day)



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Over the last two decades, the prevalence of cybercrime has increased rapidly and has become part of the everyday life of citizens. The Conference will focus on the human factor in cybercrimes and address the interaction between end-users, criminal actors, and the institutional environment. The First annual conference on the human factor in cybercrime offers an opportunity to present cutting-edge research, introduce new projects and thought-provoking initiatives, and promote exchange among participants that will inform their ongoing research.

Watch photos from the Conference


08:00 – 16:00 – Trip to The Dead Sea and Masada

18:00 – 19:00 – Commander Meir Hayun, The Head of Online Child Protection Bureau (Room 119, The Law Faculty, Mt. Scopus Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

20:00 – Dinner


See also: Day II and Day III

For more details please contact Dr. Tamar