By: Eden Kamar, Elif Kir, Furkan Oruc, Tamar Berenblum & David Maimon.
By: Amir Cahane.
By: Thibaut Moulin.
By: Yahli Shereshevsky.
By: Rotem Medzini.
By: Michael N. Schmitt.
By: Dhara Shah, T. G. Harrison, Christopher B. Freas, David Maimon & Robert W. Harrison.
By: Rotem Medzini.By: Michael N. Schmitt & Durward E. Johnson.
By: Asaf Lubin.
By: Karen Eltis.
By: Michael Wolfowicz, Simon Perry, Badi Hasisi, David Weisburd.
Situational Awareness and Public Wi-Fi Users’ Self-Protective Behaviors
By: David Maimon, C. Jordan Howell, Scott Jaques, Robert C. Perkins (Security Journal, 2020)
By: Susan Landau, Asaf Lubin (Harvard National Security Journal, 2020)
By: Dmitry Epstein, Kelly Quinn (20 June, 2020)
By: Dafna Dror-Shpoliansky, Yuval Shany (24 Oct. 2020)
A Framework for Analysis Attackers’ Accounts
By: David Maimon (Security, Privacy and User Interaction pp 63-89, 2020) -
Correct Cryptocurrency ASIC Pricing: Are Miners Overpaying?
By: Aviv Zohar (arXiv:2002.11064v2 [cs.CR], 2020) -
The Judicial System in the Digital Age: Revisiting the Relationship between Privacy and Accessibility in the Cyber Context
By: Karen Eltis (Volume 56, Number 2, February 2011, pp. 235-488, 2020) -
Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age 2/E : Law, Ethics, and Practice
By: Karen Eltis -
Cyber Election Medding In The Grey Zones of International Law
By: Michael Schmitt (Information Warfare in the Age of Cyber Conflict, 2020) -
Optimizing Off-Chain Payment Networks in Cryptocurrencies
By: Aviv Zohar (arXiv:2007.09410 [cs.GT], 2020) -
Malicious Spam Distribution: A Routine Activities Approach
By: David Maimon (Deviant Behavior , 2020) -
The International Law of Rabble Rousing
By: Asaf Lubin (45 Yale Journal of International Law Online 1, 2020) -
The Language of Legal and Illegal Activity on the Darknet
By: Omri Abend (2020) -
COVID-19 and International Law
By: Michael Schmitt (Directions, 2020) -
“I Access Your Data, You Access Mine”: Requiring Data Reciprocity in Payment Services
By: Fabiana Di Porto (IIC, 2020) -
The Rights to Privacy and Data Protection Under International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law
By: Asaf Lubin (SSRN, 2020) -
Some Evidentiary Dimensions of Attributing Unlawful Cyber Operations to States
By: Yael Ronen (SSRN, 2020) -
An International Attribution Mechanism for Hostile Cyber Operations?
By: Yuval Shany and Michael N. Schmitt (96 International Law Studies, 2020) -
Flood & Loot: A Systemic Attack On The Lightning Network
By: Aviv Zohar ( CS,Cryptography and Security, Cornell University, 2020) -
What's in a Name? Using Words' Uniqueness to Identify Hackers in Brute Force Attacks
By: Amit Rechavi and Tamar Berenblum (IJCC, 2020) -
Extended Validation in the Dark Web: Evidence from Investigation estigation of the Certification Services and Products Sold on Darknet Markets
By: David Maimon (ECBS Reports, 2020) -
Deterrence in Cyberspace: An Interdisciplinary Review of the Empirical Literature
By: David Maimon (ECBS Tools, 2020) -
Autonomous Systems & the Ethics of Conflict
By: Oren Gross (JLIA, Volume 7, Issue 3 (2020) Symposium Issue, April 2020) -
Rapport Canadien: Le déréférencement à l’ère numérique – une approche hybride pour faire le pont entre la vision européenne et américaine du « droit à l’oubli »
By: Karen Eltis (The Right to Be Forgotten, 2020) -
Existing Evidence for the Effectiveness of IDS/IPS in Preventing Cyber Crime Incidents
By: David Maimon (ECBS Tools, 2019) -
Congestion Attacks in Payment Channel Networks
By: Ayelet Mizrahi and Aviv Zohar (16 February, 2019) -
Taming the Internet Trolls With an Internet Ombudsperson: Ethical Social Media Regulation
By: Efrat Daskal, Robert Wentrup, Dan Shefet (Policy and Internet, 2019) -
Cybercrime Prevention: Theory and Applications
By: Russel Brewer, Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, Alice Hutchings, Thomas Holt, Andrew Goldsmith and David Maimon (Palgrave Pivot, 2019) -
Out of Control Online? A Combined Examination of Peer Offending and Perceived Formal and Informal Social Control in Relation to System Trespassing
By: Tamar Berenblum, Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg and David Maimon (Journal of Crime and Justice, 2019) -
Is 'Truthtelling' Online Reasonable? Restoring Context to Cyber Defamation Analysis
By: Karen Eltis (McGill Law Journal 63(3)) -
France’s Major Statement on International Law and Cyber: An Assessment
By: Michael Schmitt (16 September, 2019, Just Security) -
Hijacking Routes in Payment Channel Networks: A Predictability Tradeoff
By: Aviv Zohar, Saar Tochner and Stefan Schmid (15 September, 2019) -
Reasoning about the Future in Blockchain Databases
By: Aviv Zohar et al. (Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 12, 2019)
The Secondary Global Market for Hacked Data
By: Amit Rechavi, Tamar Berenblum and David Maimon (International Journal of Cyber Criminology, Vol. 12(2))
Think Easy, Think Hard: When to Let AI Make Business Decisions
By: Karen Eltis (The Globe and Mail, August 2019)
The International Cyber Terrorism Regulation Project
By: Deborah Housen-Couriel et al. (RUSI, July 2019)
Concentrated and Close to Home: The Spatial Clustering and Distance Decay of Lone Terrorist Vehicular Attacks
By: Badi Hasisi, Simon Perry, Yonatan Ilan and Michael Wolfowicz (Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2019)
Development of Agent Based Simulations of OCTN
By: Giulia Andrighetto et al. (PROTON, Report to the European Commision, 2019)
Do religious programs in prison work? A quasi-experimental evaluation in the Israeli prison service
By: Noam Haviv, David Weisburd, Badi Hasisi, Efrat Shoham and Michael Wolfowicz (Journal of Experimental Criminology, 2019)
Python Scrapers for Scraping Cryptomarkets on Tor
By: David Maimon et al. (In Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage, 2019) -
Classification of Cyber Capabilities and Operations as Weapons, Means, or Methods of Warfare
By: Michael N. Schmitt and Jeffrey T. Biller (International Law Studies, 2019) -
Governing Cyberspace during a Crisis in Trust
By: Melissa Hathaway et al. (Centre for International Governance Innovation, May 2019)
Wired Warfare 3.0: Protecting the Civilian Population During Cyber Operations
By: Michael N. Schmitt (International Review of the Red Cross, May 2019)
Governing Cyberspace during a Crisis in Trust
By: Melissa Hathaway et al. (Centre for International Governance Innovation, May 2019)
Counter-Terrorism Effectiveness and Human Rights in Israel
By: Badi Hasisi, Simon Perry and Michael Wolfowicz (In: Shor E., Hoadley S. (eds) International Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism, 2019)
Patching Our Digital Future Is Unsustainable and Dangerous
By: Melissa Hathaway (Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2019)
Whose Robot Is It Anyway?: Liability for Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robots
By: Omri Rachum-Twaig (University of Illinois Law Review, Vol. 2020, Forthcoming)
Symposium on Dan Efrony & Yuval Shany, A Rule Book on the Shelf? Tallinn Manual 2.0 on Cyberoperations and Subsequent State Practice
(AJIL Unbound, Volume 113, 2019)
Metadata-Private Communication for the 99%
By: Yossi Gilad (CACM, Forthcoming 2019)
Financial Cryptography and Data Security
By: Aviv Zohar et al. (eds.) (Springer, 2018)
Information Sharing for the Mitigation of Hostile Activity in Cyberspace
By: Deborah Housen-Couriel (2018-2019, European Cybersecurity Journal) -
Not Merely a Technological Advantage: The United States’ Organizational Change in Cyber Warfare
By: Amit Sheniak (The Institute for National Security Studies)
A Rule Book on the Shelf? Tallinn Manual 2.0 on Cyberoperations and Subsequent State Practice
By: Dan Efrony and Yuval Shany (October 2018, American Journal of International Law, Volume 112 Issue 4) -
Virtual Disenfranchisement: Cyber Election Meddling in the Grey Zones of International Law
By: Michael N. Schmitt (2018, Chicago Journal of International Law, Volume 19 Issue 1)
Preventing (Network) Time Travel with Chronos
By: Omer Deutsch, Neta Rozen Schiff, Danny Dolev, Michael Schapira (July 2018, Reference at The register) -
Creating the Last Line of Defense? On the Public Related Activities of Digital Rights Advocates
By: Efrat Daskal (June 2018, A report by the Internet Policy Observatory at the Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania) -
Why is Israel’s new proposed cybersecurity law raising hackles?
By: Shoshanna Solomon (June 2018, The Times of Israel) -
Le déréférencement à l’ère numérique – une approche hybride pour faire le pont entre la vision européenne et américaine du «droit à l’oubli»
By: Karen Eltis and Pierre Trudel (July 2018, The 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Fokuka 2018) -
A Rule Book on the Shelf? Tallinn Manual 2.0 on Cyber Operations and Subsequent State Practice
By: Dan Efrony and Yuval Shany (June 2018, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legal Research Paper No. 18-22) -
The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies – Between a Currency and a Financial Product
By: Hadar Jabotinsky (February 2018, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legal Research Paper No. 18-10 -
Contribution to Open Consultation on UN GGE 2015 Norm Proposals
By: Yuval Shany (January 2018) -
Not Merely a Technological Advantage: The United States’ Organizational Change in Cyber Warfare
By: Amit Sheniak (December 2017) -
An Analytical Review and Comparison of Operative Measures Included in Cyber Diplomatic Initiatives
By: Deborah Housen-Couriel (November 2017, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace) -
Israel’s Security Agencies Under The Radar Screen?
By: Yuval Shany and Amir Cahane (March 2017, The Jerusalem Post) -
The Anglo-American/Continental Privacy Divide?
By: Karen Eltis (2016, The Canadian Bar Review) -
Beyond IP—The Cost of Free: Informational Capitalism in a Post-IP Era
By: Guy Pesach (2016, Osgoode Hall Law Journal) -
The Cyber Domain, Cyber Security and what about the International Law?
By: Dan Efrony -
Hackers Topology Matter Geography: Mapping the Dynamics of Repeated System Trespassing Events Networks
By: Amit Rechavi, Tamar Berenblum, David Maimon and Ido Sivan Sevilla (2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 795)
התפשטות שמועות ולשון הרע ברשתות: הצעות לפעולה
מיכל לביא, חוקים יג (2020)
התמודדות משפטית עם איומי סייבר לכלי רכב "חכמים"
חיים ויסמונסקי ומאי הר-שי, חוקים יג (2020)
השימוש בכוח סביר לשם התגברות על הגנת סיסמה והצפנה: הצדקות וביקורות
חיים ויסמונסקי ועמוס איתן, הסניגור 268 (2019)
משטרי הגנת המידע באירופה: מעקרונות לתהליכים
רותם מדזיני, אפריל 2019 (מן הפרט אל הכלל: פרטיות וחברת המעקב – משפט, חברה ותרבות)
התקפות סייבר על מערכת הבחירות – איך מתמודדים?
רון שמיר ואלי בכר, ינואר 2019 (מחקר מדיניות 136)
רגולציה של מעקב מקוון בדין הישראלי ובדין המשווה
עמיר כהנא בשיתוף עם יובל שני, ינואר 2019 (מחקר מדיניות 123)
הפילוסופיה של הפרטיות
יובל גולדפוס, ינואר 2019 (פרלמנט 83)
הפללה של התנכלות מקוונת ומקרי המבחן של התנכלות כלפי עובדי ציבור וקטינים במרחב המקוון
חיים ויסמונסקי, 2019 (משפט ועסקים, כרך כג)
עובדות העולם, התאחדו?! על הטמעת חשיבה מגדרית באיגודי עובדים והסכמים קיבוציים
תמי קצביאן, 2018 (עבודה, חברה ומשפט, כרך טו)
מיכל לביא, אחריות מתווכי תוכן לעוולות ביטוי: הקשר חברתי, משפט וטכנולוגיה (מכון סאקר, נבו, 2018)
אכיפה אלטרנטיבית של עברות ביטוי במרחב הסייבר
חיים ויסמונסקי, (משפט צדק? ההליך הפלילי בישראל – כשלים ואתגרים)
הבלוקצ'יין הוא הפתרון לבעיית הפרטיות ברשת
אביב זהר, אוגוסט 2018 ("דה מרקר")
הוצאה מהֶקשר: על אחריות מתווכים מקוונים להפצה משנית ולהשפעה על זמינות מידע
מיכל לביא, מרץ 2018 (מחקרי משפט, כרך לא(2))
עולם של מכוניות אוטונומיות עדיין רחוק
אברהם טננבוים, דצמבר 2017 ("דה מרקר")
יתרון שאינו רק טכנולוגי — השינוי הארגוני בארצות הברית בתחום הלוחמה במרחב הסייבר
עמית שניאק, דצמבר 2017
הסכסוך שפוגע במשתמשי פייסבוק
רותם מדזיני, אוקטובר 2017 ("דה מרקר")
טרור ברשת - תגובות נגד או תגובות יתר?
עמיר כהנא, תהילה שוורץ-אלטשולר ויובל שני, ספטמבר 2017 (המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה)