Simon Perry
Dr. Simon Perry is a Professor in the Graduate School at Hebrew University's Institute of Criminology in Jerusalem and Co-Director of the Program in Policing and Homeland Security. Dr. Perry holds a M.A. and PhD. in Criminology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Perry is a retired officer in the Israeli National Police (INP), where he served for 30 years specializing in Intelligence - Gathering and Operations. He also served as head of European Operations of the INP between 1987-1991 and as the INP Police Attaché to the US & Canada between 2003 – 2007 at the rank of Brigadier General.
Dr. Perry also served as the Commander of Intelligence and Operational Division of the National Unit for Exposing Severe, International Terror and Organized Crime; Head of Interpol and International Relations; Commander of National Drug and International Operations Unit. He has extensive experience teaching and training intelligence and law enforcement agencies worldwide in the areas of "Policing Terrorism", "Homeland Security", "International Organized Crime" and "Drug Trafficking". His research includes radicalization and recruitment to terrorism and he is the PI for a new research project on online radicalization and recruitment (PROTON (Modelling the PRocesses leading to Organised crime and TerrOrist Networks), a European Commission funded project within the Horizon 2020 programme (Grant Agreement: 699824).
Simon's Research:
* NSM activities and behaviors as predictors of terrorism support and involvement
Click Here to read an interview with Simon.
Listen to Dr. Perry in the TLV1 Podcast on 'Cyber Terrorism: Profiling and Human Rights'