Guy Pessach
Guy Pessach is an Associate Professor at the Hebrew University, Faculty of Law. Guy's main areas of research are Copyright Law, Law & Technology and the Political Economy of New Media. Guy was a Fulbright Scholar, Residential Fellow at the Information Society Project, Yale Law School; a Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School, City University Hong Kong, UBC and the Center for Transnational Legal Studies, Georgetown University Law School and also an Erasmus Mundus, Visiting Scholar at the Center for Law, Society and Pop Culture, University of Westminster. Prior to his academic career, Guy clerked for Justice Zamir at the Israeli Supreme Court.
Guy’s publications in the area of cyberspace and networked communications platforms include among others:
Beyond IP – The Cost of Free – Informational Capitalism in a Post IP Era”, Osgoode Hall Law Review, (2017) (forthcoming); “Some Realism about Copyright Skepticism”, 57 IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review, (2017) (forthcoming); "Deconstructing Disintermediation – A Skeptical Copyright Perspective”, 33 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, 101-141 (2013);“The Political Economy of Digital Cultural Preservation”, in Digital Archives Management, use and access (Milena Dobreva and Gabriellas Ivacs, Editors, Facet, London, 2016); “A Note on Law, Technology and Copyright”, Shlomo Levin Book, 579-624 (The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Jerusalem, 2013) (in Hebrew); "The Laws of Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Digital Reproduction”, Legal Network: Law and Information Technology, 361-430 (Michael Birnhack & Niva Elkin-Koren eds., 2011); "[Networked] Memory Institutions: Social Remembering, Privatization and its Discontents", 26 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, 71-149 (2008); "Museums, Digitization and Copyright Law – Taking Stock and Looking Ahead", 1 The Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law, 253-283 (2007); "The Role of Libraries and A2K – Taking Stock and Looking Ahead" (Symposium comment) Michigan State Law Review, 257-269 (2007); "An International-Comparative Analysis of Peer to Peer File-Sharing – Framing Past-Present and Next Generation Questions", 40 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 88-133 (2007); "The Author’s Moral Right of Integrity in Cyberspace - A Preliminary Normative Framework”, 34 IIC – International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law (Max-Planck Institute Publications), 250-270 (2003).
Guy's Research:
* Cybersecurity Breaches and Legal Liability Under Private Law
* Digitization, Free Content and the Future of a Free and Responsible Press