Elad Gil
Dr. Elad Gil is a post-doctoral fellow at the Mishael Cheshin Center for Advanced Studies at the
Hebrew University’s Faculty of Law and the Federmann Cybersecurity Research Center. He is
also a research fellow (non-resident) at Duke University’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Initiative, a fellow at the Abba Eban Institute for International Diplomacy, IDC Herzliya, and an
adjunct lecturer on law at the IDC Herzliya, where he teaches a course on cybersecurity law and
Elad’s primary research areas include public law, cybersecurity law, law and technology, and
national security and foreign affairs law. His scholarly work appeared or is forthcoming in
leading academic journals, including the Harvard National Security Journal, Tulane Law
Review, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Virginia Journal of Law and
Technology, and Cornell International law Journal, among others.
Elad Received his Doctorate degree (S.J.D.) from Duke Law School, an L.L.B in Law and
M.B.A in Business Administration from the Hebrew University and an L.L.M in International
legal studies as a Fulbright scholar from American University School of Law (summa cum
laude). Before joining Duke, Elad was a researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute and a
member of the International Task Force on Terrorism, Democracy, and the Law with the
Woodrow Wilson Center and the Max Planck Institute.
Elad's Research (for an overview of the projects, see here):
- Security-Security Tradeoffs in Cyber Law;
- Checks and Balances in Cyberspace;
- Digital Contact Tracing Has Failed: Can it be fixed with better legal design?
Read an interview with Elad Gil
Contact information
Tel. +972-544-586077 (Isr.) | +1-919-225-4274