Michael Wolfowicz
Michael Wolfowicz is a full-time research student and PhD candidate at the Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he is also the recipient of the scholarship for students of excellence. Mr. Wolfowicz completed a double MA at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (MA in International Security Studies with an MA in Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism with a specialization in Counter-Terrorism) and his Master's thesis related to examining trends in terrorism tactics from the 1960's until present. Mr. Wolfowicz's current research is focussed on the role of the internet and social media in radicalization and recruitment processes. He is the project manager for project PROTON's terrorism work package and cyber related studies (PROTON (Modelling the PRocesses leading to Organised crime and TerrOrist Networks), a European Commission funded project within the Horizon 2020 programme (Grant Agreement: 699824).
Michael's Research:
* Agent-based model for radicalization
* NSM activities and behaviors as predictors of terrorism support and involvement
Michael's Blog:
* Bark Vs. Bite: Differentiating between non-violent and violent radicals on social media
* Click Here to read an interview with Michael.