Aging and digitalizing nations promise increasing risks to seniors from cybercrime. Current research into these risks could be limited by one or more of the following three shortcomings. Studies based on motivation models (e.g. Protection Motivation Theory) define preventative measures relative to a particular threat. Consequently, unconsciously effective mitigative actions, such as those learned vicariously or coincidentally are not identified in these studies. Studies focused on technical measures have assessed knowledge or proficiency with particular security technologies and tools. However, this overlooks operational controls, which are an important component of a comprehensive cybersecurity approach.
Finally, most studies assume a dichotomised paradigm of cybersecurity; in which one is either secure or insecure. This simplifying assumption does not allow for harm reduction strategies nor remedial reactions. For these reasons, the current body of knowledge regarding cybercrime prevention could be understood as being incomplete. This exploratory qualitative study uses semi-structured interviews of two participants above the age of 60. It finds varied and complex operational and mitigative security strategies used by digital seniors that could reduce their risk. This research contributes to the field by identifying preventative behaviours unexamined by current research and providing a holistic paradim of the online safety strategies.