Future Directions in Cyber Crime Research


Thu, 30/11/2017 - 10:00 to 16:30


Nova South, 79 Buckingham Palace Road, London

RISCS and the Home Office would like to invite you to a workshop to discuss future research priorities and evidence gaps in relation to cyber crime.

The cyber crime research field has been growing over the past years and we are beginning to see more join-up across the disciplines in tackling important research questions. However, we still have some way to go in resolving key evidence gaps regarding:

  • the scale, costs and consequences of cyber crime;
  • profiles and pathways into offending;
  • victimisation and how to improve cyber security behaviours amongst public and businesses; and
  • effectiveness of interventions to prevent, deter and disrupt offending.

Building further understanding of these areas is key for tackling cyber crime and meeting objectives set out in the National Cyber Security Strategy.

In the context of exciting plans for the expansion of RISCS, and further potential funding opportunities, we would like to invite you to a workshop with policy makers, law enforcement and academic colleagues from a range of disciplines, to help identify key evidence gaps and research opportunities for the future.