Annual Conference on Trends and Challenges in Regulation of Quasi-Sovereign Powers in the Face of New Technological and Cyber Developments - Day 2


Thu, 13/05/2021 - 18:00

Annual Conference on Trends and Challenges in Regulation of Quasi-Sovereign Powers in the Face of New Technological and Cyber Developments:

The online international conference, co-organized by the two leading academic programs in Israel focusing on law and cyber, looks at two areas of interaction between technology and regulation of quasi-sovereign powers.

Day 2 – May 13, 2021:

18:00-19:00 - Opening Remarks and Panel on Challenges in the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Capabilities in the Battlefield:

Cordula Droege (International Committee of the Red Cross)
Yahli Shereshevsky (Hebrew University)
Dustin A. Lewis (Harvard University).

Chair: Tal Mimran (Hebrew University)

19:00-20:00 - Panel on Algorithmic Regulation:

Tomer Shadmy (Hebrew University)
Katrina Ligett (Hebrew University)
Roger Brownsword (King’s College London).

Chair: Yuval Shany (Hebrew University)

To join, via Zoom, see here.

For the first day of the conference, see here.