Rhea Siers from George Washington University will discuss Competing Authorities, Organizations and Interests: A Realistic View of US Cybersecurity.
Responsibilities and authorities for the full cyber spectrum of operations in the US remain a “work in progress”. While actions have been taken to solidify the roles of the US Cyber Command and the new CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) organization, gaps and conflicts remain. During this session, we will discuss the challenges to the public and private sectors in the US in the cybersecurity strategy, information sharing, and operations:
- Is there a clear chain of command and authorities for the array of cyber activities?
- How do different Title 10 and Title 50 authorities for the military and intelligence impact cyber operations?
- Will NSA (National Security Agency) and Cyber Command ever finally separate?
- Have recent changes to US policy on offensive cyber activities resolved deconfliction, operational and “turf” issues?
- How does the cyber skills gap exacerbate the many cyber “players” in the US?
- Has the relationship between the US cyber public and private sectors improved recently?
- National Cyber Strategy of the United States of America (September 2018),
- Brandon Gaskew, “Reader’s Guide to Understand the US Cyber Enforcement Architecture and Budget”, Third Way,
- “Defense Primer: Cyberspace Operations”, Congressional Research Service, December 18, 2018 (updated),