Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler will discuss the 'Queen' of Human Rights in the Digital World and Why Is It So Important?
The Federmann Cyber Security Research Center – Cyber Law Program
Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler will discuss the 'Queen' of Human Rights in the Digital World and Why Is It So Important?
New Publications:
International Regulation of Cyberattacks, Yuval Shany & Tal Mimran
Enhanced Self-Regulation: The Case of Facebook's Content Governance, Rotem Medzini
Insuring Evolving Technologies, Asaf Lubin
Online Disclosure of Sexual Victimization: A Systematic Review, Tamar Berenblum
Cyber Checks and Balances, Elad Gil
The Council of Europe Convention on Artificial Intelligence: The Future Is Here?
Dating intermediaries’ liability – the online dating site perspective
Encryption Rights
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