It is the End of the Working-Time as we Know it – The Concept of Working-Time in the Internet Age / Tammy Katsabian


Wed, 25/04/2018 - 15:00 to 16:30


Yael room, Institute of Criminology

One of the most significant implications of the internet-age for labor relates to time, including working time, leisure time, and the time in between. The presentation will shed light on the ordinary employee in the ordinary office or workplace and examine how the internet-age has dramatically influenced the way this employee conducts work. We will do so by focusing on the ability to conduct work from distance – i.e., to conduct telework or mobile-work (ICTM) – due to the widespread use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in almost every households. Thereafter, we will suggest a new procedural paradigm for working time, one that balances the logic and architecture of the new internet-world with the basic principles of labor rights.