Digital Rights Activism: Defining and Defying the Boundaries


Sun, 10/06/2018 (All day)


Room 501, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club, Mt. Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The digital era has expanded the boundaries and meanings of basic human rights such as the right to information, freedom of expression and the right to privacy. These changes have triggered constant deliberations between various national and international stakeholders – national governments, global internet corporations, international entities, civil society organizations and citizens - over what should be the scope of these rights. While governments and internet corporations often engage in activities that limit or infringe upon these rights, civil society organizations and citizens (digital rights advocates) aim to defend and protect these rights against such restrictions and violations. In their work, digital rights advocates operate in two parallel tracks: on the one hand, they confront governments and internet corporations in the constitutional, political, and judicial arenas by promoting legislative initiatives and bringing lawsuits aimed at defending or expanding digital rights. In the mediated public sphere, on the other hand, the organizations promote their agenda by influencing public opinion and by instructing citizens on how to stand up for their rights online. These debates between digital rights advocates and other social actors, occur at the international level as well as the regional and national levels. This seminar will explore these debates while focusing on different right in each panel.

Click here to see the flyer.

Click here to read the seminar's summary



8:45 Gathering

9:00 – 9:30 Greetings and opening remarks
Adv. Yoram Hacohen – Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL)
Prof. Yuval Shany – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

9:30 – 10:00  Keynote speaker: Digital Rights Activism – Broadening the Definitions and the Boundaries (Watch the Video)
Dr. Efrat Daskal – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Northwestern University (Presentation)

10:00 – 10:15 – Coffee break

10:15 – 11:45 – Collective Action and Narratives of Truth (Watch the Video)
ChairProf. Karine Nahon – Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) and Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL)
Dr. Anat Ben David – The Open University of Israel (Presentation)
Dr. Nicholas John – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mz. Paula Martins – Article 19
Mr. Raviv Tal – Vigo

11:45 – 12:00 – Coffee break

12:00 – 13:30  Privacy Activism: How to Combat Privacy Violations (Watch the Video)
Chair: Dr. Nili Steinfeld – School of Communications at Ariel University
Adv. Jonathan Klinger – The Israeli Digital Rights Movement
Mr. Mike Morel – Open Rights Group

13:30 – 14:30  Lunch

14:30 – 16:00  It’s Time to Forget: Metadata & Digital Memory (Watch the Video)
Chair: Adv. Dafna Dror – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Adv. Sharon Azarya – The Privacy Protection Authority (Presentation)
Mz. Orna Heilinger – Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL) (Presentation)
Mz. Paula Kiel – London School of Economics and Political Science (Presentation)

16:00 – 16:30  Coffee break

16:30 – 17:00  Concluding remarks: Mapping Challenges (Watch the Video)
Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Photos from the Conference (Click to enlarge):


